BERTRAMS - austrian quality in flue pipes

The flue pipes inherently belong to the stoves. The flue pipe safely get the flues from the stove into the chimney.
.🏠 The times of the red-hot fluepipes are already gone.
🔥HS Flamingo offers flue pipes BERTRAMS from Austria. History of the company dates back to 1876 and the quality is unmatched.


HS Flamingo s.r.o.,
třída Osvobození 65, 550 01 Broumov

Tel.: +420 491 422 647
Fax: +420 491 521 140

Pondělí až pátek: 9:00 - 16:00
Sobota, neděle: zavřeno

Design: Pavel Křivka

@ 2019 – 2024 HS Flamingo s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena