New forwarder - PPL

We started working with another parcel carrier - PPL.

PPL CZ s.r.o. is one of the most important shipment carriers on the Czech market.

Since its foundation, PPL has specialized in domestic parcel shipping to corporate addresses. They were the first to extend their transport services by private parcel shipping and domestic pallet shipping.

Currently, it provides shipments of up to 3,000 kg in the Czech Republic.

Our cooperation with the partner company DHL also enabled the expansion of services by transportation of packages to Europe.


HS Flamingo s.r.o.,
třída Osvobození 65, 550 01 Broumov

Tel.: +420 491 422 647
Fax: +420 491 521 140

Pondělí až pátek: 9:00 - 16:00
Sobota, neděle: zavřeno

Design: Pavel Křivka

@ 2019 – 2024 HS Flamingo s.r.o. Všechna práva vyhrazena